Indonesia Residential Market Report 2024 Q1



High Mortgage Interest Rates Suppress Prices of Secondary Homes

In response to high home financing interest rates, all regions across Java generally show a decrease in the prices of secondary homes.

Urgency to Utilize VAT Exemption Incentives. Millennial Preferences in Home Buying Demand

The urgency to utilize full tax incentives before June 2024 prompts buyers to make decisions 25% faster. The preferences and financial capabilities of the millennial generation are generally towards the lower to middle price segments of the housing market.

Surge in Mortgage Demand; Consumers Still Conservative in Financial Strategies

The BI's decision to maintain the benchmark interest rate at 6.00% for the last two quarters has driven a 36% quarterly increase in mortgage demand. However, a shift in consumer preferences is still evident in the demand for KPR and KPR Take Over.

High Home Ownership Loan Burdens Drive Rental Demand

Rental demand increased by 55% in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the average quarter of 2023. The greatest growth in rental demand occurred in Depok City, South Jakarta City, and Bandung City.


Written by Pinhome Research Team

10 June 2024

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  • Home values for homes that are less than or equal to type 54 in size have the highest quarterly increases in Bekasi Regency (11%), South Jakarta City (9%), Central Jakarta City (8%), and Bogor City (8%).

  • Homes that are less than or equal to type 54 experienced the highest quarterly changes of home values in North Jakarta City(-16%), West Jakarta City(-13%), and Tangerang City (-14%).

  • Home values for homes with types 55 - 120 generally fell on a quarterly basis in the Jabodetabek area. The biggest changes occurred in Central Jakarta City (-10%), North Jakarta City (-9%), and South Jakarta City (-6%).

  • On the other hand, home values for homes with types 55 - 120 are increasing quarterly outside the Jabodetabek area, particularly in Badung Regency (5%), Surabaya City (5%), and West Bandung Regency (3%).

  • Homes less than or equal to type 54 experience a quarterly increase in annual rent in South Jakarta (15%), Badung Regency (12%), Bandung City (7%), and West Bandung Regency (7%).

  • Annual rent for homes less than or equal to type 54 fell on a quarterly basis in Bogor City, North Jakarta, and Central Jakarta, with changes of -32%, -24%, and -22%, respectively.

  • East Jakarta has the highest quarterly increase in annual rent for homes with types 55 - 120, experiencing a 20% increase. A 16% increase also occurred in West Bandung Regency.

  • Annual rent in cities around DKI Jakarta generally fell on a quarterly basis. The biggest changes occurred in Tangerang City (-18%), Bogor City (-18%), and Bekasi City (-10%).

Housing Inventory Evolution: Tax Incentive Stimulus and Property Price Adjustments in the Economic Landscape and High Mortgage Interest Rates

East Java Province Leads the Addition of New Home Inventories in Java Island

+ 131 %

growth in the addition

of the number of

new home inventories

in Java Island

Q1 2024 vs. Q1 2023

The commitment of the Indonesian government to infrastructure development in Java includes industrial areas, airports, tourism, and toll roads, scheduled to be completed by October 2024, indicating serious efforts to improve connectivity and drive regional economic growth, including residential property growth in the primary market.

The increase in the addition of new home inventory on Java Island reached 131% in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the first quarter of 2023, with growth led by East Java province (619%), Tangerang (318%), and Bogor (197%)


The increase in the number of

new home inventories

below IDR 2 billion is

10 x

higher compared to the

prices of houses above it

The VAT exemption incentive for purchasing new homes below IDR 2 billion until June 2024 is implemented as a stimulus for the property sector and to enable Indonesian citizens to afford homes more easily due to this tax exemption. Apart from the demand side, the positive market response is also reflected in the increase in the number of new home inventories below IDR 2 billion.

Since the implementation of this incentive, from November 2023 to March 2024, the inventory of new homes priced below IDR 2 billion has increased 10 times more than the addition of new home inventories priced above it.


Surge in Total Inventory of Secondary Housing Driven by Sustainable Development

+ 200 %

growth in the total of

secondary home inventory

Q1 2024 vs. Q1 2023

The total inventory of residential properties in the national secondary market in the first quarter of 2024 showed a growth of 200% compared to the same period last year. A 203% increase was observed on the island of Java, with West Java, East Java, and Banten ranking at the top in the terms of total growth. Meanwhile, regions outside of Java also experienced total inventory growth, amounting to 168%, led by South Sumatera, West Kalimantan, and South Sulawesi.

The surge in the number of secondary home inventories indicates the market’s response to economic recovery and ongoing infrastructure development. This factor sends a positive signal to homeowners to leverage the economic momentum and development to market their homes.

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High Loan Interest Rates Suppress Secondary Home Prices

The inventory of secondary homes across all regions in Java generally experienced a price decrease. In Sidoarjo Regency, Semarang City, and Bekasi Regency, secondary homes in type 36 showed annual price changes of -14%, -3%, and -6% compared to the first quarter of the previous year. This is suspected to be a response to the high bank interest rates and loans in home financing.

modest house icon
< 200 Mn
Total inventory of modest houses showed a growth of 95% in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the same period last year. The growth in this segment was led by DKI Jakarta, followed by Depok Raya, with an inventory increase of more than 100 times.
lower middle house icon
200-600 Mn
Total inventory of lower-middle houses showed the highest growth within the price segments, with a growth rate of 119% in the first quarter of 2024. The DKI Jakarta region ranked highest in growth, at 32 times compared to the first quarter of the previous year.
upper middle house
600 Mn - 3 Bn
Total inventory of upper-middle houses showed a growth rate of 104%, the second highest growth within the price segment. The most significant growth occurred in Depok Raya and Surabaya regions, at 2 times compared to the first quarter of 2023.
luxury house icon
> 3 Bn
The inventory of luxury houses showed the lowest growth percentage within the price segments, at 69% compared to the first quarter of the previous year. The region leading the growth in the luxury homes inventory was Surabaya, recording an increase of 1.7 times.

Dynamics of Home Buying Demand: The Impact of Indonesia’s Presidential Elections, the Urgency of Utilizing VAT Exemption Incentives, and Millennials in Home Buying Demand

Banten and East Java are leading the growth in home buying demand across Java Island and Bali.

  • In Banten, the total demand increased by 357%, with a 325% rise for new homes and 375% for secondary homes in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the first quarter of last year. This growth continues as the construction of the Serpong-Balaraja toll road progresses.

  • In East Java, the demand for home purchases grew by 283% in the same period. Specifically, in Sidoarjo Regency, during the same period, the overall home buying demand grew by 486%, with secondary homes increasing by 569% and new homes by 255%.


Meanwhile, outside of Java and Bali island, significant increases in home buying demand have also been recorded in East Kalimantan, South Sumatra, South Sulawesi, the Riau Islands, and Riau.

Fun Fact union

Presidential elections create an atmosphere of uncertainty that tends to make investors and consumers delay financial decisions. Concerns center around the potential for regulatory changes that could affect ongoing construction projects, which also impacts the residential property market, especially for high-value properties.

Growth of demand in

luxury houses

38 %


compared to the affordable housing segment

In the first quarter of 2024, interest in luxury houses (home price segment above 3 billion rupiah) grew 38% slower compared to the affordable housing segment (from modest to middle houses). In metropolitan cities like DKI Jakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya, interest in luxury houses grew slower by up to 68% compared to the affordable housing segment.

Growth of demand in Q1 2024 compared to Q1 2023


22 x


4 x
In the midst of uncertainties regarding the continuation of the Nusantara Capital City (IKN) development in East Kalimantan during the Presidential elections, interest in the residential property market in IKN's surrounding areas such as Samarinda and Balikpapan remains strong and is growing. The residential property market in these supporting cities has grown earlier due to adequate infrastructure, while IKN has not yet become a new economic center.

Pasar properti residensial di kota-kota penyangga lebih dulu bertumbuh karena infrastruktur yang telah memadai sementara IKN belum menjadi titik perekonomian baru.

According to the development of the IKN, aside from East Kalimantan, the search for residential properties in Makassar, South Sulawesi, grew by 464% in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the first quarter of 2023. Makassar is expected to support the IKN, particularly as a supplier of food, which enhances the potential for economic growth in the region.

  • South Sumatra recorded a demand growth of 453% in the same period, with a 79% increase for new homes and 796% for secondary homes. This growth is closely related to the construction of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road, which will connect from Lampung to Aceh, and is scheduled to be fully operational in 2024. This infrastructure development enhances property values and connectivity around toll access points, thereby triggering a surge in demand in South Sumatra.

  • The Riau Islands and Riau recorded a demand growth of 325% in the same period, with a 187% increase for new homes and 369% for secondary homes. This growth is associated with the implementation of 14 National Strategic Projects in 2024, including the development of industrial areas in the Riau Islands, which has spurred housing needs for workers in the region.

Government-Borne VAT incentive encourages

home purchasing decisions

to be made

25 %


In the growth of the residential property market in the primary sector, the Government-Borne Value Added Tax incentive, which offers 100% VAT coverage until June 2024 and 50% until December 2024, has influenced the behavior of potential home buyers.

Data indicates that in the first quarter of 2024, for new homes priced under 2 billion rupiah, potential buyers accelerated their purchasing decisions by 25% faster than the previous quarter. The urgency to utilize the full tax incentive before June 2024 encourages buyers to act more quickly.


Homes with

2 Bedrooms

48 %

of total home buying searches

Observing consumer preferences in selecting homes, both in the primary and secondary markets, homes with two bedrooms are the most viewed in searches, comprising 48% of total home searches.

If we delve deeper based on building size type, the demand for two-bedroom homes is highest for types 36, 45, and 120; each accounting for 13%, 11%, and 8% of total searches, respectively. Additionally, type 120 homes with three bedrooms are also sought after, representing 14% of total home searches.

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Millennial Generation in Home Purchases

55 %

of home buying transactions came from

the millennial generation

Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Erick Thohir, revealed in 2023 that 81 million millennials in Indonesia do not yet own homes. In the first quarter of 2024, data shows that millennials contribute 55% of the total home purchase demand, indicating a significant proportion in the market.

This fact supports the findings of IDN Times research in the

Indonesia Millennial Report 2024,

which indicates that an increasing number of millennials are making homeownership their top priority in life.

In the context of home purchases, home prices and geographic location are key factors in decision-making. Here is a summary of millennial home selection in the first quarter of 2024:

  • The highest demand is in the lower to middle price segment (200-600 million rupiahs), accounting for 36% of the total demand by millennials. Type 36 houses are the most preferred by millennials.

  • In terms of location, Bogor is the top choice, followed by Tangerang, and then Bekasi, which also attracts the attention of millennials.

The differences in behavior between millennials, Generation X, and Generation Z in home purchases reflect the evolution of preferences and different economic conditions among these three groups. Generation X tends to choose middle to upper-middle-class homes, which are associated with a more stable economic condition and relatively higher incomes. On the other hand, Generation Z tends to choose simple homes priced below 200 million rupiahs. This reflects the early stage of life where they are still building their careers, and homeownership becomes a priority with financial limitations.


BI Interest Rate Stability Triggers Mortgage Demand Surge; Consumers Remain Conservative in Financial Strategies

The decision by the Central Bank of Indonesia (BI) to maintain the benchmark interest rate at 6.00% for the last two quarters has played a crucial role in supporting economic and monetary stability. This condition has aided investors and consumers in making financial decisions in the property sector.

In the first quarter of 2024, there was a recorded increase in mortgage demand on a quarterly basis.

+ 36 %
Quarter-over-quarter (qoq) growth in Secondary Mortgage Demand
+ 10 %
Quarter-over-quarter (QoQ) growth in the median credit limit for secondary mortgage demand

However, lingering global uncertainties have prompted consumers to still adjust their financial strategies. Many have shifted to mortgage takeover (KPR Take Over), which saw higher demand in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the first half of 2023. Additionally, there has been a shift in behavior regarding the choice of installment tenors and fixed interest rate tenors in KPR and KPR Take Over demands in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the same quarter in 2023:

  • 18% of the total demand shifted from installment tenors of 16 years or more to shorter tenors, indicating a consumer desire to reduce long-term interest burdens.

  • 16% of the total demand shifted to fixed interest rate tenors of three years or more, reflecting a preference for payment stability in times of economy uncertainty.

This dynamic demonstrates a market response that is adaptive to macroeconomic conditions and regulations, as well as a reflection of more conservative financial strategies among home buyers in times of economic uncertainty.


Entering the second quarter of 2024, mortgage demand is expected to show a declining trend in response to the increase in BI benchmark interest rate to 6.25% on April 24, 2024. Although, the BI benchmark interest rate over the past year can still be considered roughly equivalent to the level before the pandemic. Investors and consumers are expected to be more cautious or delay purchasing homes due to the increase in home ownership loan. Based on past experience when the interest rate was raised to 6.00% in October 2023, there was a decrease in KPR demand in the final quarter of that year. Meanwhile, the demand for KPR Take Over products is expected to continue to grow.


Rental Demand Increases Amid High Home Ownership Loan Burdens

High Home Ownership Loan Burdens Drive Rental Demand and Open Opportunities for Passive Income from Property Rentals

The high interest rates on home ownership loans make renting a practical and economical option for housing for those who are not financially ready to buy a home. This condition opens opportunities for homeowners to rent out their properties.

The total inventory of rental homes saw a positive growth of 158% in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the first quarter of 2023. The highest growth in rental home inventory occurred in Bandung City (466%), South Tangerang City (433%), and Bogor Regency (324%)

55 %
growth in rental demand in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the average quarter of 2023

Rental demand increased by 55% in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the average quarter of 2023. The largest growth in rental demand occurred in Depok City, South Jakarta City, and Bandung City.

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Homes with

2 Bedrooms
40 %

of total home rental searches

If we look at the rental home demand preferences during the first quarter of 2024, homes with 2 bedrooms were the most sought after, representing 40% of the total rental demand. Among these 2-bedroom homes, the most popular type was 120, accounting for 11% of the demand, followed by type 60 with 9%, and type 45 with 6% of the total rental demand.

Additionally, type 120 homes with 3 bedrooms were also in demand among renters, representing 15% of the total home rental searches.

Rental home demand is expected to increase in the second quarter of 2024. The rise in BI benchmark interest rate to 6.25% at the start of the second quarter of 2024 makes renting an increasingly attractive option for consumers. When the BI benchmark interest rate was set at 6.00% in October 2023, there was an 88% quarterly increase in rental demand in the fourth quarter of 2023.

About Pinhome


About Pinhome Indonesia Residential Market Report

Pinhome Indonesia Residential Market Report is a quarterly publication offering an in-depth analysis of the residential market dynamics. It provides insights on housing inventory (supply), buying and rental demand trends, as well as dynamics in financing demand based on the latest data from the previous quartal. Designed to fulfill the needs of industry players, policymakers, and the general public, this report aims to provide a comprehensive guide in understanding the residential industry market trends.


The report’s underlying data comes from Pinhome’s extensive database, encompassing over 1 million housing inventories and partnerships with more than 20 banks and financial institutions. Enhanced with reliable external data, it is synthesized and analyzed using various statistical methods to produce insights in national and regional scope.

Insights into housing inventory provide a framework for tracking supply evolution in the market. The section on buying and rental demand offers a perspective on trends from the buyers’ and renters’ side, complete with potentially influential background momentum. Meanwhile, insights into the demand for home purchase financing reveal growth and shifts in consumer preferences towards financing options, such as Home Ownership Credit (KPR) and KPR Take Over.